Business Manager - Business Office
School Phone: 507-934-5703 x1035
The business and finance office is located in the District Office (100 Lincoln Drive). To visit with the business manager or anyone in the District Office, please enter Door V at the Saint Peter Early Childhood Center/District Office entrance (off Broadway Avenue).
To contact the Saint Peter Peter Public Schools' District Office please call 507-934-5703.
Business Manager - Business Office
School Phone: 507-934-5703 x1035
Financial Accountant - Business Office
School Phone: 507-934-5703 x1003
MARSS - Business Office
School Phone: 507-934-5703 x1007
Payroll Supervisor - Business Office
School Phone: 507-934-5703
Accounts Payable - Business Office
School Phone: 507-934-5703 x1015