(ABOVE PHOTO) North Elementary Student Council members who helped in some way with the new Gaga pit project includes (and grade): front row (l to r) Ahmed Ahmed (4th), Henry Menning (4th); middle row, Mohammed Salim (2nd); Hadley Yost (2nd), Addison Seitzer (2nd), Ruby Vander Linden (3rd), Eliana Hughes (3rd), Vivian Winkler (4th), Laila Butterfield (4th), Emelia Thompson (4th), Tenley Powell (2nd), Nora Turritin (3rd); back row, Max Szybnski (3rd), Kellen Friedrich (2nd), Mandy Kennedy (School social worker-North Student Council advisor), Principal Darin Doherty, Korie Compart (2nd), and Mallory Nelson (4th). Not pictured are Olivia Chambers (3rd) and Liv Bahr (3rd).
North Elementary School’s (grades 2-4) Student Council raised money recently to buy a new Gaga ball pit to replace the old one which was well used but in need of replacement.
“We recently purchased the materials for the new pit,,” Mandy Kennedy, North Elementary’s Student Council advisor, said. “The fourth grade student council members and Mr. Doherty assembled it yesterday (Thursday). We are so proud of our Student Council group for all of their hard work to make this all happen!”
According to Kennedy, the money used for this project to purchase the new Gaga pit was raised by previous student council groups through their sticker and pencil machine, money earned from family donations, and from Arts and Academics Night where the kids sold pizzas.
According to the We Are Teachers website, “Gaga ball is a variant of dodgeball, the classic playground sport. Players slap or hit the ball, aiming to hit other players at or below the knees. If you’re hit, you’re out. The last player in the pit is the winner.”
Prior to the students using the Gaga ball pit, North Elementary physical education teacher Kent Bass coached the students on how to play the game and follow the rules.
Below are some photos of the North installation crew in action!