Saint Peter High School’s FFA chapter had a good representation at this year’s Minnesota State FFA Convention & Contest, held April 21-23 at the University of Minnesota and the Minnesota State Fairgrounds.
“We took eight FFA members to the MN FFA State Convention this year,” SPHS FFA Co-Advisor Jasmine Witty said. “Those members included Gavin Powers, Cooper DeBlieck, Olivia Hollerich, Colton Willaert, Tyler Krakow, Lydia Yost, Kenzie Moline, and Ana Stoffregen.”
One of the highlights of the big weekend was the State Fish and Wildlife competition which took place at the Bell Museum. The SPHS Wildlife team members included Gavin Powers, Cooper DeBlieck, Colton Willaert, Olivia Hollerich and (alternate) Tyler Krakow. Gavin Powers ended up third overall in the individual portion of the contest and brought home some impressive hardware.
“Gavin placed third out of 212 students,” Witty said. “The team placed 21st out of 56 teams to receive a Silver ranking. Gavin was able to receive his plaque on stage during a session.
“We also took Lydia Yost and she competed in the Dairy Handling Contest, placing 6th out of 26 competitors. We had two delegates, Kenzie Moline and Ana Stoffregen, who were able to walk around the Career Fair.”
While the SPHS FFA State Convention contingent was up in the Twin Cities they also participated in the various FFA sessions and visited Como Zoo in St. Paul, according to Witty.
Gavin Powers (middle) placed third overall in the State FFA Fish & Wildlife individual competition during the State FFA Convention earlier this week. He is shown here with SPHS FFA co-advisors Jacob Pehrson and Jasmine Witty.Members of the SPHS FFA Fish & Wildlife team that competed at the MN State FFA Contest included (l to r) Olivia Hollerich, Cooper DeBlieck, Gavin Powers, and Colton Willaert.

SPHS FFA contingent makes trek to MN State FFA Convention
April 25, 2024