Community event will take place that evening at SPHS Performing Arts Center
Cory Greenwood, a nationally known speaker who has inspired hundreds of thousands of healthy conversations around suicide and mental health, will be in St. Peter on Wednesday, Sept. 14 to meet with Saint Peter Middle School and Saint Peter High Schools students during the school day. Later that evening, he will be a part of a community event starting at 6 p.m. in the SPHS Performing Arts Center (PAC), which is open to the public and SPPS parents are encouraged to attend.
Per his website, “Greenwood is no stranger to students, and he understands the array of challenges that this generation wakes up to every morning. Mental health, academic stresses, and family problems are just a few of the issues that our country’s greatest resource is navigating right now. When Cory is given a microphone he steps onto the stage with passion and purpose.”
Greenwood will visit with Saint Peter Middle School students during an assembly in the morning hours that day, before moving over to Saint Peter High School for a program there. The community event begins at 5 p.m. with a resource fair in the commons area with food being served from 5:30 to 6 p.m. The community program begins in the PAC at 6 p.m.
For more information on Cory Greenwood and his message please click HERE!

Mental health speaker to visit SPMS & SPHS on Sept. 14
September 9, 2022