SPHS SAINTS OF THE WEEK — Congrats to SPHS students Max Bultman (12th grade), Quinn Rassbach (11th), Ellie Graham (10th) & Jayda Becker (9th) for being named Saint Peter High School's Saints of the Week.
1 day ago, Saint Peter Public Schools
Saints of the Week
Saint Peter Middle School History Day is complete as 7th grade students completed projects in their English & U.S. Studies classes, and their work was on display in the Media Center on Friday. More details will be shared next week! Here are some photo highlights from today!
3 days ago, Kurt Hildebrandt
SPMS History Day 2025
SPMS History Day 2025
SPMS History Day 2025
SPMS History Day 2025
SPMS History Day 2025
SPMS History Day 2025
SPMS History Day 2025
SPMS History Day 2025
SPMS History Day 2025
SPMS History Day 2025
SPHS SAINTS OF THE WEEK — Congrats to SPHS students Sarah Haggenmiller (12th grade), Gloria Mercado (11th), Khaled Ibrahim (10th) & Dawson Holtz (9th) for being named Saint Peter High School's Saints of the Week.
8 days ago, Kurt Hildebrandt
SPHS Saints of the Week
NORTH ELEMENTARY'S SAINTS CENTER - The newest episode of North Elementary's Saints Center video is now live and can be viewed at the following link --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWMwNvfop0Y
11 days ago, Kurt Hildebrandt
North's Saints Center video
SPHS SAINTS OF THE WEEK — Congrats to SPHS students Connor Mugaas and Brissia Rocha for being named Saint Peter High School's Saints of the Week. The SPHS staff recognized them for showing respect, acting responsibly, and living with integrity!
15 days ago, Kurt Hildebrandt
SPHS Saints of the Week
SPHS STUDENTS GET A TASTY REWARD -- Saint Peter High School Student Services staff treated all students in grades 9-12, who completed their Xello lessons, with a popcorn snack during Saints Time on Wednesday. Xello is an Internet-based career exploration and planning tool used at SPHS to explore career and college options and develop a career plan.
19 days ago, Kurt Hildebrandt
SPHS popcorn treat
SPHS popcorn treat
SPHS popcorn treat
SPHS popcorn treat
SPHS popcorn treat
PARAPROFESSIONAL RECOGNITION WEEK – This week is Paraprofessional Recognition Week, and Saint Peter Public Schools would like to recognize all of our outstanding paras who provide such a valuable service for our students and staff. Paraprofessionals are individuals who work in a variety of positions in a school district. Their roles include, but are not limited to, instructional assistants, Title I paraprofessionals, pupil support assistants, special education paraprofessionals, job coaches, lunch room and playground assistants, hall monitors, media center assistants and health office assistants.
20 days ago, Kurt Hildebrandt
Paraprofessional Week 2025
SPPS WILL BE TWO HOURS LATE - Due to the extremely cold conditions expected tomorrow morning (Tuesday, Jan. 21), Saint Peter Public Schools will start two hours late. Buses will pick up students (2 hours) later than usual. There will also be NO a.m. preschool tomorrow.
22 days ago, Kurt Hildebrandt
2 Hours Late start
SPHS SAINTS OF THE WEEK — Congrats to SPHS seniors Meghan Sikkema and Emily Sustaita for being named Saint Peter High School's Saints of the Week. The SPHS staff recognized them for showing respect, acting responsibly, and living with integrity!
22 days ago, Kurt Hildebrandt
Saints of the Week
The Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC) will host its annual meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 18 at Saint Peter High School. Residents from the Saint Peter, Cleveland, Lake Crystal, Maple River, Nicollet, & St. Clair districts are encouraged to attend. See flyer for more details!
25 days ago, Kurt Hildebrandt
SEAC meeting flyer
SPHS Snow Week candidates include: front row (l to r), (King candidates) - Cam Nelsen, Roy Hendrickson, Sean Mitchell, Eli Stoll, Grant Janni; back row, (Queen candidates) Olivia Seys, Sarah Haggenmiller, Eleanor Hughes, Addison Landsom, and Sophia Brown. More details next week!
26 days ago, Kurt Hildebrandt
SPHS Snow Week candidates
NEWEST HIGHLIGHTS IS NOW AVAILABLE - The January 2025 issue of Highlights, our monthly newsletter, is now available for viewing at the following link --> https://5il.co/359gx
26 days ago, Kurt Hildebrandt
Highlights - Jan. 2025 cover
Saint Peter Community & Family Education, St. Peter Good Neighbor Diversity Council & Gustavus Adolphus College are hosting an MLK Day Community Conversation event on Monday, Jan. 20, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the St. Peter Community Center (Senior Center). See flyer for more info!
27 days ago, Kurt Hildebrandt
MLK Day Community Conversation flyer
SPECIAL EARLY CHILDHOOD EVENT TONIGHT - Join us tonight, Tuesday, Jan. 14, from 5 to 6 p.m. for our Early Childhood Family Education Kick Off! Our early childhood gym will be open with obstacle course fun and cookies will be available. This event is open to children 6 years old and younger and their caregiver. Caregivers must stay with and supervise their children. Please enter the building using the Broadway entrance and follow the signs to the Early Childhood gym in the lower level. We are excited to see you for some warm wintertime fun! Call the Early Childhood office before 4 p.m. with any questions.
28 days ago, Kurt Hildebrandt
ECC logo
SPHS CHOIR STUDENTS AT DORIAN FESTIVAL - A group of Saint Peter High School choir students took part at the 75th annual Dorian Vocal Festival at Luther College (Decorah, Iowa) today under the guidance of SPHS choir director Brianna Bergstrom! Around 900 students from Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Illinois come together and sing at this festival. Those students making the trip to Dorian on Monday included Gabe Zayas, Max Bultman, Kaden Throldahl, Derek Guth, Braedon Dornfeld, Quinn Dixon, Iris Elias, Isabelle Mish, Rebekah Roemhildt, and Eleanor Hughes. Here are some photo highlights from the trip to the Dorian Festival!
28 days ago, Kurt Hildebrandt
SPHS kids at Dorian
SPHS kids at Dorian
SPHS kids at Dorian
SPHS kids at Dorian
RAD ZOO AT SOUTH ELEMENTARY - Jamie Pastika, director of the Reptile & Amphibian Discovery Zoo in Medford, MN, dropped by South Elementary on Monday morning with some of his "friends" to entertain the kindergarten and first-grade students. Here are some photo highlights!
29 days ago, Kurt Hildebrandt
Rad Zoo at South
Rad Zoo at South
Rad Zoo at South
Rad Zoo at South
Rad Zoo at South
Rad Zoo at South
Rad Zoo at South
Rad Zoo at South
Rad Zoo at South
Today (Jan. 9th) is National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day! Saint Peter Public Schools would like to recognize our School Resource Officer Jon Hughes and all law enforcement officers in our community/school district for their vital role in keeping our students and staff safe! Thanks for all you do!
about 1 month ago, Saint Peter Public Schools
Law Enforcement Appreciation Day
SUPERINTENDENT SEARCH SURVEY - As a reminder, the anonymous public Superintendent Search Survey is available for all interested parties to fill out until Sunday, Jan. 12 at the following link → https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SuptSearchSaintPeter. Hard copies of the survey are also available at the District Office in St. Peter (100 Lincoln Drive). Please return any completed surveys to the same location by January 12 so they can be included with the online survey results.
about 1 month ago, Kurt Hildebrandt
SPPS logo
ALL-NIGHT GRAD PARTY IN NEED OF VOLUNTEERS - The Saint Peter All-Night Graduation Party (ANGP) committee is looking for people to join their committee! They are looking for someone to continue Fundraising Activities and Communication. They currently have a nice system set-up and room for new ideas. Visit their website https://saintpeterangp.wixsite.com/saintpeterangp, email SaintPeterANGP@gmail.com, or connect with one of their committee members. They would love to have new members in January!
about 1 month ago, Kurt Hildebrandt
ANGP volunteers needed
SPHS SAINTS OF THE WEEK — Congrats to SPHS senior Kailey Bittner and sophomore Nichole Garcia for being named Saint Peter High School's Saints of the Week. The SPHS staff recognized them for showing respect, acting responsibly, and living with integrity!
about 1 month ago, Kurt Hildebrandt
SPHS Saints of the Week