North Elementary’s theater students have been busy putting the finishing touches on their fall play production of “The Reluctant Dragon”. The cast and crew will stage their play this Wednesday with a matinee show for students and staff in the school gym at 1:30 p.m. and a public performance at 6 p.m.
“The Reluctant Dragon” (Kathryn Schultz Miller - ArtReach Children’s Theatre Plays) is being directed by Dustin Lenhoff with set design and crew assistance from Morgan Lenhoff. The following is the list of the cast and crew:
Saint George - Uriah Boyd
Widget: #1 Hadley Yost, #2 Claire Prunty, #3 Eva Penner, #4 Ingrid Miller
Old Folks: Seasoned Sally - Ava Christnagel, Esteemed Eddie - Harper Honetschlager, High Falutin Hal - Thomas Marsh, Lordly Lou - Hugh Schoper, Magnificent Maggie - Hazel Vortherms, Venerable Val - Helena Turittin, Mother - Cadence Fredrickson
Shepherds: Angus - Clayton Coe, Gillroy - Camilla Fredrickson, Ludwig - Bergen Carter
Hairy Toes: #1 - Tyler Sykora, #2 - Bennett Kuderer
Queen Fancy Pants - Rivers Sikkema
Grody Gobsters: Scumworth - Lucille Hedberg, Brillopad - Brady Graham, Snorggles - Zander Richer, Fester - Adeline Kusler, Ratsbeak - Amelia Atkinson, Yellsalot - Macy Attenberger
Mortimer: #1 - Logan Midthun, #2 - Rowan Provo
Guru Guys: Master Guru - Savannah Hensley, Peaceful Pete - Colton Orde, Transcendental Tim - Ryder Sather, Transcendental Tom - Jaxson Keating, Mantra Molly - Mia Garberich
Villagers: Milkmaid - Gabby Korir, Blacksmith - Beau Weideman, Cobbler - Paxton Keating, Farmer - Isaiah Schultz, Town Crier - Eleanora Rame-Bergeman, Baker - Mia Ibanez, Woodsman - Vaughn Stoffregen.
Crew: Hudson Phillips & Zoey Seaquist
Special thanks to the following:
Elise Carter for being an amazing Crew Assistant
Maxwell, Miles, and Emerson Lenhoff - technical assistants
Kaitlin Carter, Anna Versluis, Christina Midthun, Kiersten and Shane Hensley - parent volunteers
Cast and Crew Parents - for helping your child be a successful part of this production

North Elementary students to stage ‘The Reluctant Dragon’ on Wednesday
November 18, 2024