North Elementary students in Mrs. Landsteiner’s third grade class and Ms. Mathiowetz’s fourth grade class recently read and learned about the “Survivor Tree” in New York City. The Survivor Tree was found in the rubble of the Twin Towers and Ground Zero in October 2021.
Per the 9/11 Memorial And Museum 2021, “It (the Survivor Tree) had snapped roots and burned and broken branches. The tree was removed from the rubble and placed in the care of the NYC city department of Parks and Recreation.”
“The 9/11 Memorial and Museum website challenged students to write messages of hope and remembrance on paper leaves and to post them in our classrooms as a memorial,” Mathiowetz said. “We took ours a step further. I have a sister, Ellen Mathiowetz, who lives in NYC. I noticed the website showed that some paper leaves were tied to the actual survivor tree located at Ground Zero. We mailed our classes’ leaves to New York and they are now tied to the Survivor Tree.”
For more information about the Survivor Tree and the 9/11 Memorial, please see the following links:
North students create paper leaves that are now tied to 9/11 Survivor Tree
October 6, 2022