Saints Nation week of 3.7.23

Make sure to save the date and join us at one of our many upcoming events in the Saint Peter Public Schools!

Tuesday - 3/7
5th & 6th grade band concert (SPHS - Performing Arts Center) - 7 p.m.
Boys Basketball @ Mankato East - Section 2AAA quarter finals - 7 p.m.
SPHS - Knowledge Bowl team @ Saint Clair

Wednesday - 3/8
3rd/4th grade Young Writers & Artist Conference at Bethany Lutheran College

Thursday - 3/9 
Kindergarten Registration / Open House - 5:30 - 7 p.m. at South Elementary
Girls Basketball vs. Marshall @ Gustavus (Section 2AAA Finals) - 7 p.m.
North Elementary Book Fair opens

Friday - 3/10
SPMS - Musical "The Lion King" - Middle School Theater - 7 p.m.

Saturday - 3/11
SPHS Speech Tournament @ Eagan 
SPMS - Musical "The Lion King" - Middle School Theater - 7 p.m.

Make sure to check the website and your specific school building to see the updated calendar, photos, and news stories.