Summer Meal Options for Students
Ytive Prafke, Special Programs Administrator
The Read and Feed Summer Food Program for children has been in place in St. Peter for the last fourteen years. We are disappointed to report that Saint Peter Public Schools does not qualify for the program at this time, so the Read and Feed will not be held this summer.
School eligibility for the free summer food program is based on the number of students who qualify for Free and Reduced meals and census data.
The Free Meals for Kids Program will begin this fall, providing breakfast and lunch to all students at no cost. We encourage families to continue to complete Free and Reduced Meal applications to support other funding streams as well as provide an opportunity for the Read and Feed Program to return.
Thank you for your participation and support of the Read and Feed Program over the years. We will miss seeing our students this summer.
If your family is in need of food support, local resources include:
St. Peter Area Food Shelf- 201 South 3rd St. 507 934-9641
Fresh Produce Distribution (Free) July 12, August 9, September 13, and October 11 from 10:30-12:30. Located at First Lutheran Church 1114 W. Traverse Road
The Kitchen - Free Meal at Trinity Lutheran Church, 511 S. 5th St., on Mondays from 5:30-6:30 p.m.