South Elementary recently installed some new playground equipment which was purchased through a grant from the Choose Kindness Foundation. The new equipment includes an outdoor glockenspiel and a bongo drum set for the kids to enjoy.
“South Elementary was awarded $2,000 during the 22-23 school year for adding kindness to their already existing school-wide positive behavior interventions and supports (PBIS/Star Pride) matrix,” Stacy Abel, South PBIS/Star Pride committee member, said. “Weekly lesson plans were developed and implemented in classrooms, and students were elected to be on weekly Kindness Crew duty where they sought out other students showing kindness to others through being friendly, reaching out, showing appreciation, and offering help.
The playground equipment was purchased using a bulk of the grant in order to help make the playground at South more accessible and inclusive for all students. Additionally, improving student behavior on the playground was the focus of South's site behavior goal through Q-Comp for 22-23.
Other grant funds were used to help purchase Kindness Crew capes and lanyards and helped to fund monthly celebrations along with South's annual Read-a-Thon fundraiser. See below for some more photos of South students using the new equipment during recess recently.
South's new playground equipment is a big hit!
September 26, 2023