Saint Peter High School proudly hosted Black Peoples' Joy Day on February 23, an educational and cultural conference for students and staff. SPHS social studies teacher Dan Clark, with the help of student videographers Keira Dunn, Corbin Herron, and Molly Leonard, put together a video highlighting many of the events and activities that took place that day. Click below to see that video:
The day was dedicated to honoring Black peoples' rich heritage, culture, and contributions. The event was a vibrant acknowledgment of Black culture and Black Joy, and more than 600 high school students had the unique opportunity to experience the conference.
The day included a series of educational and cultural events, including traditional African music, dance, theatrical performances, a meal prepared by our very own culinary staff that included ethnic Black food choices, Sweet Potato Comfort Pie offered their “sacred dessert” and a lineup of esteemed speakers from across the state. These speakers covered a range of topics, from the significance of Black and African traditions to contemporary achievements and challenges faced by Black communities.