Registration is now open on Infinite Campus for Saints’ fall activities for students going into grades 7-12 this coming school year (2023-24). Fall activities begin on Monday, Aug. 14, with some middle school activities (football and volleyball) starting on Monday, Aug. 21. To access to Infinite Campus portal please click HERE!
Just a couple of items to note, per Saints AD Shea Roehkasse, as you register:
The cost of activities has increased by $25, and 9th grade is now part of the high school registration.
As you register, if you do not see an activity for which to register, then we more than likely do NOT have your student’s physical form on file. If the physical form is not valid, before or during the fall season, you will not be able to register until we have an updated form.
If you are not sure if we have your student's physical form on file then you can check on Infinite Campus under "Athletics" or check with the Saints' Activities Office.
Once you have your form completed please send a copy to Shea Roehkrasse or Zoe Haugen so we can get your records updated.
Please take a look at the document as it has registration directions on page 2 and other information.
Other activities information can be found on the Saints’ Activities Department website –
If you have any further questions or need more information contact either of the following:
Shea Roehrkasse, Activities Director (
Zoe Haugen, Activities Administrative Assistant (