SPMS History Day

Earlier this month, students from Saint Peter Middle School embarked on one of their most ambitious – and rewarding – academic projects to date. Supported by their enthusiastic leader, Mr. Dustin Sharstrom, SPMS sixth graders researched, analyzed, and presented on historical events of their choosing as part of the Minnesota Historical Society’s National History Day event.

Since 1990, the Minnesota Historical Society has sponsored a statewide History Day competition, wherein students in grades 6 - 12 may submit research projects, papers, and presentations on a significant historical topic. While students are tasked with selecting their own topic, they must orient their project towards a common theme. This year, the National History Day office selected the timely theme, “Rights and Responsibilities in History.” After selecting a topic in accordance with the theme, students must research, create, and present a project highlighting the impact and significance of their chosen historical event. Students are then entered into the official History Day competition, where judges from across the state assess their work, with the possibility of advancing towards a regional, and later, statewide competition. 

Sharstrom’s students attacked this challenge head on, delving deep into research on eras, individuals, and initiatives that have shaped the course of history. With topics ranging from the Salem Witch Trials to Chernobyl, Sharstrom’s sixth graders gained experience researching, analyzing, and presenting on complex historical themes. For Sharstrom, who has orchestrated SPMS’s involvement in National History Day since 2016, it is incredibly rewarding to watch students’ confidence soar. “I hope every student is proud of their final project and all the growth they have made throughout the process,” he says. 

Certainly, this project is an exceptional opportunity for students to increase their critical thinking and public speaking skills. After researching their chosen topic for nearly a month, students began the process of creating visual media products – such as posters and documentaries – that they presented to the public on Friday, February 7. Supporting students throughout this process were volunteers from Gustavus Adolphus College, as well as Saint Peter Schools School Board member Kate Martens. 

For over thirty years, Martens has helped students across Minnesota create meaningful projects for the History Day competition. Like Sharstrom, Martens enjoys seeing the students’ passion blossom throughout the research process: According to Martens, the History Day assignment allows students to “connect with their interest in history” while gaining experience with “research, primary sources, and understanding the arc of history.” For Martens, History Day is more than just a class assignment. Instead, this project teaches students that “history connects everything.” Thus, understanding history and its significance on the world today is now more important than ever. 

This year, 46 students from Saint Peter Middle School will advance to the South Central Regional History Day Competition, which takes place on Monday, March 3 at Mankato State University. SPMS will feature students in the categories of Individual Exhibit, Group Exhibit, Group Performance, Individual Documentary, Group Documentary, Individual Website, and Group Website. 

Congratulations to all SPMS students for their hard work and dedication throughout this project! The future looks to be in good hands! Below are a list of the regional qualifiers and more photos from the local History Day activities at SPMS.

History Day qualifiersHistory Day qualifiers
SPMS History DaySPMS History DaySPMS History DaySPMS History Day