SPMS play poster 2025

This weekend, the Saint Peter Middle School Theatre program presents “Puffs: Or Seven Increasingly Eventful Years at a Certain School of Magic and Magic!” This comedic play is a parody of the wildly popular Harry Potter series, was written by playwright Matt Cox, and is directed by SPMS’s Angela Schilling. 

Performances at the SPMS theater are set for 7 p.m. on both Friday, March 7, and Saturday, March 8. Admission is $8 for adults and $5 for students. (See the graphics below for the complete list of cast and crew!)

As lead director, Schilling manages the stage, props, lights, and costumes with help from Lauren Wenner, assistant director, . Schilling and Wenner are supported by seven talented student directors, who are in charge of providing guidance to the cast and crew, ensuring smooth rehearsals and performances. 

The play follows the story of a young wizard named Wayne Hopkins. Upon learning of his magical abilities, Hopkins is sent to a wizarding school in England. Once arriving, he is sorted into the “Puff” house, and meets Oliver Rivers and Megan Jones, who quickly become his friends. “Puffs” chronicles Hopkins’s seven years at this wizarding school, which coincide with the timeline of the Harry Potter series. The play includes many familiar characters, while providing a fresh perspective on the beloved tale.

Schilling notes that this production was a “great choice” for her students, who have enjoyed bringing this well-known, wacky story to life. With a record number of 45 cast members, this production invites students to take creative liberties with their performances. Schilling has enjoyed watching the cast and crew “add their own touches” to their work, combining creativity and professionalism in what is sure to be a magical finished product. 

For Schilling, this production is a testament to the hardwork and talent of her many students. “As a director,” Schilling notes, “I get to know the students outside of the classroom and they get to see all that goes into a production. It takes time, dedication, and creativity from all involved to make a production come together… I’ve been really impressed by the leadership this group of kids have shown.” 

With only a few days until opening night, SPMS Theatre students are busy running lines, perfecting scene changes, and putting finishing touches on the extravagant, spellbounding costumes. Prepare to be charmed by the talent and toil of these magnificent, magical middle schoolers!

SPMS cast & crew listSPMS cast & crew list 2